Posting on Indeed is the fastest way for you to get your job in front of millions of job seekers. You can post completely for free* or sponsor a job and only pay when job seekers click on your job.
To post a job if you already have an Indeed account:
- Visit and click the “Employers / Post Job” link at the top of the page
- Click “Post Job” and sign in
- If you posted a job previously, you’ll see your dashboard, click “Post a job” in the upper right-hand corner of the page
- Follow the guided steps to complete posting details, hitting “continue” to move to the next step
- Preview your job on the next screen and click “confirm”
To post a job if you don’t already have an Indeed account:
- Visit
- Click “Post Job”
- Create an Indeed account using a valid email address and 10 character password
- Follow the guided steps to complete posting details, hitting continue to move to the next step
- Preview your job on the next screen and click “confirm”
Once you complete a few additional account details and choose your budget settings, your job will begin the process to be live on Indeed.
*Subject to our terms