Post Job

Indeed Apply

Indeed Apply allows job seekers to apply for jobs within seconds on desktop and mobile devices using an Indeed CV or a traditional CV file. If you post with us directly, your jobs already use Indeed Apply for free!


  • Millions of jobs on Indeed and our partner sites now support Indeed Apply. If you post with us directly, your jobs are automatically enabled for free.
  • Jobs are clearly labelled in Indeed’s search results to let job seekers know which jobs have this easy application method.
  • Track how many applications you receive from Indeed through your Performance report
  • Applications are sent to you through your applicant tracking system or email
  • Barriers to completing an application are reduced and the number of applicants increases

Mobile and tablet devices:

  • Indeed is the no. 1 mobile job search app on iPhone or Android in over 30 countries*, with over 65% of our traffic coming from mobile users
  • You can use Indeed Apply to capture interest and applications from mobile job seekers, even if your career website isn’t mobile enabled
  • With 2.6 million new CVs being added to Indeed each month, an increasing number of people can apply easily using an Indeed CV on any smartphone or tablet

Want to add Indeed Apply to your jobs? Contact us to learn more.

*Business Category, SimilarWeb, January 2017

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