Indeed Company Pages gives you, the employer, the ability to interact with prospective job seekers by showcasing your company’s brand and culture.
Job seekers are increasingly searching for more information on companies they’re interested in during their job hunting process*, making it more important than ever to feature your company’s unique identity.
What is included on a Company Page?
With your Indeed Company Page, you can tell your company’s story to millions of job seekers. Complete with employer reviews, jobs, salary information, and photos, your Company Page gives job seekers a closer look at your company before they apply.
Listed Jobs
Company Pages include all jobs at your company when you connect your ATS with Indeed, add any jobs on Indeed directly or any jobs found across the internet for your company.
Q&A Tab
Anyone visiting the Company Page may ask and answer questions. Responding to questions on your company’s behalf is highly encouraged. If you don't have any questions on the Q&A tab, ask them yourself! When you reply, it will show the answers as being from the company, plus you've made it easier for job seekers to learn more about your company. Categories are automatically determined by the questions asked.
How are Company Pages created?
Every employer with jobs on Indeed automatically has a Company Page. A basic version of Company Pages is available for free. By claiming and updating your page, you can use it to build your employer brand on Indeed and attract the best candidates. You'll see your Company Page appear in search results once at least two reviews are added.
If you notice multiple Company Pages for your business, please contact us.
Looking to edit your Company Page? Check out our article here.
Indeed Company Pages Premium
Indeed Company Pages Premium provides additional branding and analytics features to help employers attract and retain the right talent.
Some features of Indeed Company Pages Premium are:
- Advanced design customization options
- Highlight a review that showcases their company’s strengths, effectively moving that review to the top of the reviews section
- Highlight important and/or urgent job openings
- Enhanced analytics to leverage Indeed’s ratings and reviews, providing insights on key metrics by location and job function
- Track your performance and ratings relative to your competitors
For information on pricing tiers for Company Pages Premium contact your Indeed Sales Representative.
*Indeed data (worldwide)