Shared Contacts are a bucket of contacts that you and all your Linked Users (Recruiters) can pull from as needed and are available to any company using Resume Subscriptions. Recruiters can use Shared Contacts when they run out of individual contacts in their subscriptions. To use Shared Contacts, the account must first have at least one active subscription.
How to Add Contacts to Shared Contacts:
You can buy contacts to add directly into Shared Contacts.
- Go to and sign in
- Click on your email in the upper right-hand corner and select "Subscription Management"
- Click “Buy shared contacts” under the “Shared Contacts” box
- Enter the amount of shared contacts you would like to add
- Billing & Payment info will be default from the account
- Choose if you would like this subscription to be recurring monthly
- Click “Place Order”
You can send contacts to and from Shared Contacts and Subscriptions:
- Shared Contacts <-> Global Subscriptions
- Shared Contacts -> Local Subscriptions
Moving from Global Subscription to Shared Contacts:
- On your “Subscription Management” page, view your subscriptions and the assigned recruiters.
- Click “Move Contacts” on the subscription you would like to transfer the contacts from.
- Click “Shared Contacts” as the destination.
- Enter the number of contacts to move.
Moving from Shared Contacts to a Subscription:
- On your “Subscription Management” page, view your subscriptions and the assigned recruiters.
- Click “Add Contacts”.
- Change “Contact Source” to be Shared Contacts.
- Enter the amount of contacts you would like to move.
How to distribute Shared Contacts:
When purchasing Shared Contacts, the contact limit will default to “Open”. This means recruiters can use as many available Shared Contacts as needed.
- Ex: If you have 300 Shared Contacts and 3 recruiters, each of the recruiters is allowed to use as many of the 300 Shared Contacts as needed.
You can limit access to Shared Contacts for all recruiters:
- Click on “Settings” in the upper left, next to “Manage Subscriptions”.
- Scroll to “Shared Contacts access level for all subscriptions”.
- Click “Limited”.
- Enter the amount of shared contacts that you would like each recruiter to be able to access.
- Ex: If you have 300 Shared Contacts split between 3 recruiters and set the limit to 100 contacts. Each recruiter will only be able to use 100 contacts out of the 300 total on a monthly basis
You can also limit access to Shared Contacts by individual recruiter:
- On your “Manage Subscriptions” page, view your subscriptions and the assigned recruiters.
- Click “More” on the right hand side of the recruiter you would like to give individual access to.
- Click “Change Shared Contacts Access”.
- Click “Limited”.
- Enter the amount of Shared Contacts.
- This will override any previous limits added in Shared Contacts settings.
- Ex: If you have 300 Shared Contacts split between 3 recruiters, 1 recruiter can have 50 contacts, as the other two recruiters have 125.
Shared Contacts are nonrefundable and expire 6 months from the purchase date.
See additional information on managing your Indeed Subscriptions in Indeed Resume Subscriptions: Managing Subscriptions for Account Administrators.